What are the Dangers of Detoxing from Opiates at Home_

What Are the Dangers of Detoxing from Opiates at Home?

People across the United States struggle with opiate addiction. The country is in an ongoing opiate and opioid crisis. Many people may try to stop using opiates at home. Unfortunately, quitting opiates cold turkey can be dangerous and often leads to overdose and opiate-related death. An opiate detox center is the safest, most effective way…


Commonly Abused Opiates

Opiates are a class of drugs that originate from the opium poppy plant. They include both legal substances, such as prescription painkillers, and illegal drugs, like heroin. This group of substances is renowned for their potent pain-relieving effects and high potential for abuse and addiction.   If you or a loved one are using opiates, reaching…

Can Heroin Cause Physical Effects on Your Brain?

Heroin is a powerful and deadly drug with the potential to alter everything in your life dramatically. The illicit drug can change you emotionally and mentally, and then there are the physical effects of heroin addiction. Heroin use and abuse will severely limit the functions of your brain. While the short-term effects can be tragic,…

Can Heroin Cause Physical Effects on Your Brain?

Heroin is a powerful and deadly drug with the potential to alter everything in your life dramatically. The illicit drug can change you emotionally and mentally, and then there are the physical effects of heroin addiction. Heroin use and abuse will severely limit the functions of your brain. While the short-term effects can be tragic,…

Signs of Benzo Abuse

Benzos like Valium and Xanax are some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in America. These medications have been proven effective in treating seizure disorders, panic attacks, and anxiety. Even when used as prescribed by a trusted doctor, these drugs can become highly addictive, eventually leading to a dangerous addiction. If you or someone in…

Signs of Benzo Abuse

Benzos like Valium and Xanax are some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in America. These medications have been proven effective in treating seizure disorders, panic attacks, and anxiety. Even when used as prescribed by a trusted doctor, these drugs can become highly addictive, eventually leading to a dangerous addiction. If you or someone in…

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication?

Cocaine’s stimulant qualities are what appeal to those who use it. Before anyone realized how addictive and dangerous the drug could be, it was in over-the-counter medications and even, briefly, in Coca-Cola. Many people who use this drug feel it makes them more confident, effective, and likable. The euphoric effects tempt users to keep using,…

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication?

Cocaine’s stimulant qualities are what appeal to those who use it. Before anyone realized how addictive and dangerous the drug could be, it was in over-the-counter medications and even, briefly, in Coca-Cola. Many people who use this drug feel it makes them more confident, effective, and likable. The euphoric effects tempt users to keep using,…

Choosing a Rehab For Addiction

It’s never easy when a family member abuses drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, it becomes even more difficult to deal with when they develop a dependence or addiction. When you’re a parent, and you see your child, no matter their age, struggle with the disease of addiction, you want to help them. Without question, every parent…